Sunday, January 25, 2009 Y 10:54 PM ![]() Happy MOO Year! 新年快乐 Monday, January 19, 2009 Y 2:08 PM Arrgh! Bloody toe! Damn pain laaaaaaa, I have'nt even shop for new year. -.- Guess I'll have to wear slippers during Chinese new year. Quickly heal, Quickly healll!
Saturday, January 17, 2009 Y 1:19 PM On the 16th had night cycling. Zhiyong, jerron and I. Ate satay at S11 with Nard and gang first before meeting zhiyong. We head to west coast cum clementi there the prata shop. Ate again! Pattaya mutton! Lol. Bad omens on that night, first ate pattaya mutton till I bit my tounge. Secondly, injured my toe while cycling uphill and it looks dented now. -.- Thirdly, fell down from the bicycle in slow-mo. Luckily only a kid saw me. LOL. 17th in the morning went to slack below Leqian's hse. Ate mac below and after that home. Time surely pass super quickly in the morning. This few days around mid-night was certainly COLD & WINDY~~~ Therefore I presume the next few days will be the same too. Chinese new year is coming and my toe has a bruise. How am I gonna wear a shoe on CNY? Hopefully it will heal up soon enough! EH TOE, HEAL BO!
Thursday, January 15, 2009 Y 9:28 AM SUCKS.
Done O's badly. But expected it coming. I did not really study hard enough for most of my subjects. What can I say, blame it on myself. I got 25 points for L1R4 and fail sci. I predict that I will fail either my math or my sci. Or maybe both. In the end, I fail sci and pass math. Luckily I can still be able to get into a poly. Chosen some courses ytd and hope I did not chose the wrong course. Probably gona ask Mr liew for somemore advice again tonight. Super sad about my results. ): Had been coughing badly for this few days. My throat feels so itchy, feel like scratching it. Lol. Cannot take it. -.- Chinese new year is around the corner, gona do some shopping soon. Just came back from Zhiyong's house and bathe finished. Ate steamboat around 1plus over there and suddenly the steamboat pan socket burned. Stopped for awhile and I went for a nap around 10mins. Immediately after my nap we went upstairs to play monopoly. Lose Lose Lose. Anyway, its just a game. Haha. Went back around 8plus. Tuesday, January 06, 2009 Y 6:41 PM Damn irritating and disgusting! Haha. Friday, January 02, 2009 Y 10:21 PM Was VERY bored today and ytd. I hate staying at home. I was at home doing boring stuffs. Playing PSP and using the com. I need a job right now! Interviews starts tomorrow! Pray Pray Pray for my "O"s Results. Thursday, January 01, 2009 Y 6:15 PM Happy New Year.
The past few days had been hanging out with Leqian, Zhiyong, Jerron and Zhenghan. Cycling, baking cheesecakes and going out. I did hang out with kennard and gang for this few days too. That means i went out almost everyday and came back home late everyday. But finally! I'm not going to go out today. :D Shall save up some money and look for a job soon. There are lots of birthdays going on these few days. Celebrate Leqian's, Weina's and Woonyean's! But did'nt attend Ivan's BBQ. Sorry Ivan! But Happy belated birthday! Went party world twice for Leqian's and Weina's Birthday. Still feel like going again. :D I did went to club for the first time too. Saw some familiar faces but the party wasn't that fun. Some did not dance and I'm not so good at it. LOl. Ytd went for the countdown at Marina Barrage. There was a carnival going on over there! So that means I'm spend so much to buy so so many foods! Yum Yum! We sat down on the grass to watch a concert and prepare ourselfs for the fireworks! This year's fireworks sucks. Our view was perfect but the fireworks was not. After that we head on for bedtime stories. It was not that hilarious after all. I doze off awhile too. siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Home at 5.30am. Sometimes when you think that you can do/finish something perfectly in your mind, but once you try doing it in reailty actually you can't. |
MAO's BLOG pay me home ME. 11.09.1991 Smile guys! Mouths smile WIDE~ :D Spam me and I'll chop your fingers to cook curry COOL! Come on! Talk to me! Don't be shy! :D History. ★March 2006 ★June 2006 ★July 2006 ★November 2006 ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★July 2008 ★August 2008 ★November 2008 ★December 2008 ★January 2009 ★February 2009 ★March 2009 ★April 2009 ★May 2009 ★June 2009 ★July 2009 ★August 2009 ★December 2009 ★May 2010 Dudes. Beesian! Candis! Chenghui! Cheefu! Chermaine! Dickson! Eckerene! Farhan! Gilson! Guowei! Ian! Jacqueline! Jazreel! Jerron! Jinling! Junjie! Kennard! Loongkiat! Meiwei! Nigel(RP)! Shariff! Souyan! Szehan! Valerie! Weichao! Weihaw! Weilin! Weina! Wisely! Woonguek! Woonyean! Xinqin! Yihan! Yingxuan! Yipbei! Zane! Zihui! Zirui! HAHAHA CREDITS basecodes by: detonatedlove images: deviantart inspiration: summerkisses} whole layout: odrido |